Once your request is submitted, our sales team will be in touch to understand your product needs.
- Personal details
- Company address
- Company details
- Additional details full
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
Standardized values:
- form.type = quotation
- marketing.journey = quotation
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- n/a
- Personal details
- Find your company
- Company details
- Additional details
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
Standardized values:
- form.type = consultation
- marketing.journey = consultation
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- product.category
- Personal details
- Company address + Company details + Shipping details
- Additional details
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
- Terms and conditions for sample request
Standardized values:
- form.type = sample
- marketing.journey = sample
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- product.category
in case not implemented as a dropdown within product selection
- Personal details
- Company details
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
Standardized values:
- form.type = download
- marketing.journey = download
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- product.category
- Personal details
- Company details
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
Standardized values:
- form.type = webinar
- marketing.journey = webinar
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- product.category
- Personal details
- Company details
- Communication preferences & terms and conditions
Standardized values:
- form.type = conference
- marketing.journey = conference
- form.purpose = marketing
- application.name = ceresit
- form.source = full page URL
- user.id
Values to provide:
- marketing.campaign